While I do believe in intelligent design, I do not believe it is science. Why? All hypothesis must be testable. Certainly it would be possible to prove intelligent design. For example, if we find a "Made by God" stamp imprinted on all quarks we will have proven intelligent design. However, there is no way to disprove intelligent design. There is no test or experiment we can run that would ever establish that God did not create the universe.
The following is proof of my assertion. Imagine a test did exist that would conclusively prove God did not create the universe. A God who wanted us to believe in him by faith alone would force the test to always have negative results. Ergo such a test can not exist. Proof by countradiction. QED.
Since the assertion that the universe is the result of intelligent design is not testable, intelligent design is not a valid hypothesis. Ergo, intelligent design is not a valid scientific theory. This does not however mean it is wrong. It just means belief in intelligent design is not science, rather belief in intelligent design is faith.
Likewise, you could never disprove the scientific process. Ergo belief in the Scientific process itself is faith... Every logical model needs axioms. Choose yours wisely.
Just food for thought,